Who We Are

We are a youth & young adults passionately in love with Jesus, zealous about His works, and bold in the declaration of our faith.

We believe there's a fresh call of God on this generation to seek the face of Jesus in the secret place, and together in prayer. To welcome The King of Glory and a mighty move of God upon this generation. To lift His Name up and see young people radically saved into a lifelong relationship with Jesus!

We're hungry and won't settle for anything less than the person of JESUS, living a life yielded to His Word, through the power of Holy Spirit.

Habakkuk 3:2 MSG writes God, I’ve heard what our ancestors say about you, and I’m stopped in my tracks, down on my knees. Do among us what you did among them. Work among us as you worked among them.

Come Lord Jesus!

Connect with us every week!
412 Service
Every Friday 6:30pm

412 Prayer
Every Friday 5:00am (Guys)
Every Friday 9:30am (Girls)
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month 7:30pm (Guys + Girls)

Jon & Leearna Lima

Youth Pastors

Our Services

81 Bickerton Street, Wainoni, Christchurch 8061



6:30 pm

Mens Prayer


5:00 am

Womens Prayer


9:30 am

Upcoming Events

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