
We believe the church should be a place full of life, excitement and the presence of God. But rather than let us tell you about it, come and experience a powerful exciting church!

If you would like to learn more about the church you are welcome to join us in our visitors lounge after our Sunday services - we’d love the opportunity to meet you and introduce you to some of our pastors and leaders.

We welcome you to come and enjoy the place we call home!

What We Believe

The Trinity

There is one true, living and eternal God who reveals Himself in three unique and equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Bible

The Bible is the sole, Divinely-inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.

Mans Fall

Humankind was created perfectly in the image of God and designed to know Him. Yet the first man, Adam, chose sin instead of God and the consequences of sin – death and eternal separation from God – entered the world.

Jesus Christ

God desires relationship with us so much that He sent Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, to Earth to pay the price for our sin. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a perfect, sinless life and preached the Kingdom of God: restoration to the state that God designed us for.


Jesus died a sinner’s death on a Roman cross. He was buried, raised from the dead by the Holy Spirit, ascended to heaven and is alive today in the presence of God the Father. Each of us is restored to God through repentance for our sin, belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus and accepting His free gift of salvation.


We believe that water baptism is a step of obedience to Jesus and a testimony of the inner work of His salvation. The baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers us as witnesses of what God has done for us and to live a life that honours Him. Speaking in tongues is gift from God and one of many evidences of the Holy Spirit dwelling within.

The Church

Jesus established the church as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God on Earth. He gave believers authority to heal the sick, deliver people from the oppression of Satan and to restore the broken-hearted. He gave the church the five-fold ministry – apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers – to equip believers to fulfil the great commission: to tell the world about God’s great love, to make disciples and to baptise them so that they too can live a life restored by God.

Accepting Christ

Our decision whether to accept Jesus Christ or not is an eternal one and the consequences are serious. Heaven and hell are real places and we will each live eternally in one of them depending on our choice.

Jesus Christ's Kingdom

Lastly, we believe in Jesus’ promise that He will return for His church and to complete His work of establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth.

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