We are excited to announce that we will be embarking on a mission’s trip to Africa. The trip will take place in late November  / early December and will be an incredible opportunity to serve and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

During our time in Africa, we will be partnering with our local Church Pastors to serve and support the community in various ways, such as hosting conferences, church-wide outreaches and helping where practically needed. Additionally, we will have the opportunity to connect with locals in remote village areas, share our faith and participate in the work God is doing in Africa.

The trip will be approximately 12-14 days concentrating our work in Uganda and Kenya

We would love for you to join us on this amazing adventure – if you would like to receive an information pack for this trip please email the office at [email protected]


Recently areas of Kenya experienced severe flooding, in which our Kenya church building received extensive damage and is no longer able to be occupied. They have found a plot of land to lease in a new location and are now needing to build a simple wooden and tin structure for the church to continue meeting.

As a way for us to support them, we are selling fire wood with full proceeds going to build the Kenya church. If you or someone you know have a log burner and would be interested in purchasing some of this wood, please email the office at [email protected]